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Keith Freeman Voted in as Village Administration of Dolton

The Special Board meeting for The Village of Dolton was held on Tuesday, January 18 th at 7:00 pm via Youtube live.

Must read

Silence DoGood
Silence DoGood
"If any Person . . . will give a true Account of Mrs. Silence Dogood, whether Dead or alive, Married or unmarried, in Town or Country, . . . they shall have Thanks for their Pains."

Keith Freeman Voted in as Village Administration of Dolton (Dolton,IL) – The Special Board meeting for The Village of Dolton was held on Tuesday, January 18 th at 7:00 pm via Youtube live.

General Announcements

In general announcements, Trustee Belcher announces that the Food Distribution for seniors has resumed as of January 7 th , the following one will be Friday, January 21 st from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm 14141 Martin Luther King Dr. Village Business

  • Approval of motion of Keith Freeman as the new Village Administrator
  • Motion failed of approval of resolution twenty-two dash, appointing the members for the board, the fire, and police commissioner
  • Motion Failed to approve ordinance 22-related to No-Cash Bid Program which relates to getting vacant properties back on tax roll and was introduced about three months ago.
    • This ordinance would provide municipalities the opportunity to participate in scavenger
      sales before going to bid.
    • Specifically, addressing the overflow of vacant houses within the village providing The
      Village of Dolton the opportunity to purchase vacant properties and reoccupy them.
    • Motion for the discussion of settlement agreement between the village of Dolton Illinois and B. P. moved to closed session
    • Regarding approval of a resolution for authorizing and approving the settlement unfair labor practice.

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Mayors Remarks

  • Quarterly virtual town hall scheduled for Thursday, February 10 th at 7:00 PM
  • Recognition of first female Police Chief Michelle Staples
  • Chief Staples who has twenty years’ experience in law enforcement has been in the
    department since 2002, has touched every rank, and is now breaking the glass ceiling.
  • Announcement of new communication structures in the mayor's office.

“After receiving complaints from residents of people not answering the phones, residents
can now register with a live person. Specifically, for events, report downed power lines,
water main breaks and things of that nature 24/7. The hotline number is 877-336-1269.”

  • New robo-call system implemented to notify residents in real time of water main breaks,
    school closings and more via telephone. This information will also be posted on the website
    with an estimation of time to resolve the issue.
  • Village of Dolton is now an authorized village. All residents in Dolton qualify for the low income house household water assisting programs through CEDA. Apply today to get assistance with your water bill at 800-571-2532.
  • Residents can receive up to $1500 to pay past due balances including village amnesty and late fee waivers.
  • Submission of EPA loan application for the installment of new digital water.
    • Currently working on financial strategy to start the project by end on the 1st quarter 2022
    • Finalizing decision of hiring two new candidates for Village Financial Team.
      • Public will be notified when concession is made.

Closing Statement for No-Cash Bid Program

“This is an effort to get properties back on tax roll. This is an effort to promote smart growth and economic development. The Cook County No Cash Bid Program is an economic
development tool designed to assist municipalities other taxing districts in acquiring tax
delinquent property for reuse as private development in tax reactivation, or for tax exempt
municipal use. We got this deadline extended to allow of the village to participate.”

Closing Statement for No-Cash Bid Program

  • Plan for Block-by-Block Program and funding it, will be discussed in next town hall meeting.

Keith Freeman Voted in as Village Administration of Dolton

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