Flossmoor Police Department Launches New Safety Initiative
Flossmoor Police Department Launches New Safety Initiative (Flossmoor, IL) — The Flossmoor Police Department is launching a new safety initiative, The 9 p.m. Routine, to help village residents keep their homes and valuables safe.
According to the Flossmoor Police Department, “The 9 p.m. routine is a nightly reminder to residents to remove valuables from their vehicles, lock their vehicle doors, lock the doors to their residences, turn on exterior lights, and activate all alarms and security systems.”
The Flossmoor Police Department will help residents remember the routine by issuing 9 p.m. reminders once a month. It is up to the residents to set their own nightly reminders, whether on a calendar, alarm, or other method, to follow the 9 p.m. routine.
According to a statement by the Village of Flossmoor, “Criminals look for easy targets and often walk through neighborhoods, testing vehicle door handles, hoping to find an unlocked vehicle. You can make it more difficult for them by following the 9 p.m. routine.”
The 9 p.m. routine is a national campaign and has been implemented in other cities and counties across the United States and Illinois, including Niles (Illinois), Colorado Springs (Colorado), Arlington (Virginia), Mesa County (Colorado), North Miami (Florida), and others. The routine was apparently started in Pasco County, FL by the Sheriff’s office in 2016.
It is presently unclear as to how the monthly 9 p.m. routine reminders will sent out to residents. Other jurisdictions that have implemented similar programs have taken to social media, text alerts, and other methods to send the reminders.
Flossmoor Police Department Launches New Safety Initiative