Cook County Republicans File Over 8,000 Signatures for County & Legislative Candidates (Cook County, IL) — Yesterday, the Cook County Republican Party and Chicago Republican Party slated over 30 candidates for the November General Election, including 11 women and 16 minority candidates. More specifically, five county-wide office seekers, three Cook County Board of Property Tax Review candidates, nine Cook County Commissioner candidates, seven Illinois State Senate candidates and 17 Illinois State Representative candidates.
They join the 35 Cook County & Chicago Republicans already on the ballot for offices ranging from Illinois State Legislature, MWRD and Cook County Commissioner who were on the ballot for the June 28 primary election.
“We are very proud of the efforts of our candidates and volunteers who stepped up to collect over 8,000 signatures in just 14 days to place the largest number of Republican candidates running in Cook County in more than a generation. Cook County voters are demanding a choice at the ballot box. They will now have a clear choice in November,” stated Cook County GOP Chairman Sean Morrison.
The Cook County Republican Party expects a challenge of their newly filed candidates from Chicago Democrats who are well-known for the cottage industry they have developed in Cook County by aggressively challenging prospective opponent’s petitions, in order to knock them off the ballot and sail right back into office.
Chicago GOP Chairman Steve Boulton added, “We have slated a diverse group of Republican candidates from a variety of backgrounds. Voters will be impressed by the caliber of talented people who have committed to run and take on the entrenched Democrat machine.”
Cook County Democrats’ failing record on inflation, taxes, crime and corruption will be put on full display for voters. That is why Democrats will work as hard as possible to challenge and remove these Republican candidates from the November ballot. They do not want to discuss, debate or defend their horrendous record on all of those important kitchen table issues impacting families across Cook County.
The Cook County Republican Party is excited about our leading county-wide candidates, including former Chicago Alderman Bob Fioretti who intends to challenge Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle; former Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica returns to challenge current County Clerk Karen Yarbrough, businessman Peter Kopsaftis for Treasurer, property tax professional Todd Thielmann for Assessor, and Chicago Police Department Detective Lupe Aguirre will take on incumbent Sheriff Tom Dart.
“We believe the citizens of Cook County should be given a choice and let them decide, rather than the Democrat partisans, lawyers and hearing officers at the Chicago Board of Elections and in the Cook County Clerk’s Office” said Cook County GOP Chairman Sean Morrison.
About the Candidate Filing Process:
George Kemper, Republican candidate in IL House 12 (and a new candidate), wrote an insightful Op Ed back in April about his experience with the ballot challenge process.
“After submitting all the paperwork in accordance with local and state laws, I was greeted with an additional step that left me dumbfounded. My opposition filed an objection to keep my name off the ballot. While I expected this to happen, as I was warned ahead of time, I was unaware of how wasteful of an ordeal it is. It required lawyers on both sides, multiple meetings over multiple weeks, and multiple government employees to handle just one case. If one was not fortunate enough – like I was – to have the lawyer fees covered, they would not be able to run. If one was not fortunate enough – like I was – to have individuals aid them in the hearing process, they would not be able to run. I also wondered how many taxpayer dollars are wasted every election cycle due to this process. This made me realize the sad reality of what “public service” has become, an exclusive club only for those who have time and resources.
The term “voter suppression” has become a hot topic and I believe that this qualifies under that umbrella. While it does not directly suppress individuals from showing up at the ballot box, it does restrict their options on the ballot. If current representatives are so confident in their abilities, why do they feel the need to place so much effort on oppressing any form of opposition? Throughout this process, one quote stood out the most to me. That being, “I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it.” As someone who can say that they have lived this value of diversity of thought, I found it deeply disturbing that many of the current elected officials prove that they do not. Instead, it seems that they favor their position of power over the rights of the people.
Cook County Republicans File Over 8,000 Signatures for County & Legislative Candidates