“During the winter months we see an increase in home fires caused by heating deceives or malfunctioning heating equipment,” said Illinois State Fire Marshal James A. Rivera. “This is why it is so important for people to test and inspect all smoke alarms monthly, review and practice their fire escape plans, and follow manufactures instructions on all home heating devices.” #fire
“We greet this new state budget proposal from Governor JB Pritzker with a sense of relief: our state finances have improved over earlier bleak revenue projections, and we appreciate the Governor’s ongoing commitment to investing in services and supports for Illinoisans with developmental disabilities and serious mental illnesses.” #disability
On Wednesday, February 26, at noon, advocates, community leaders, and frontline workers will gather in the rotunda of the Capitol Building in Springfield, Illinois, for a pivotal rally and press conference to launch the campaign demanding fair pay and sustainable funding for the human service sector. #fairpay
After a more than four-month-long trial, and two weeks of jury deliberations, Madigan was found guilty on 10 counts involving conspiracy and bribery with ComEd and counts of wire fraud around a state board appointment. No sentencing date has been scheduled. #verdict
"This award is a reflection of the hard work of many individuals and the collective efforts of our community. I am proud to continue serving the people of Will County and Homer Township, working together to create a better future for everyone." #award
“I don't think I'd care much if it was like, ‘let's reinstate these service members. As long as they still qualify, as long as they meet the standards that you're gonna require everybody to meet for the military.’ But the idea that you're gonna give them back pay for having refused what was a legal order?” said Kinzinger. #reinstatement
Research scientist Hong Lu’s team at the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center produced ethylbenzene, a key SAF additive, from recycled polystyrene. #fuel
“There are talented, dedicated public servants with limitless potential in every office of every agency across the state. If we’re going to serve the citizens of Illinois effectively, maximize our efficiency and productivity, and cultivate a happy work environment, we need to invest in them,” said Governor JB Pritzker. #cohert