“By helping veterans establish businesses in every ward, we’re not only providing them with opportunities to thrive but also contributing to the revitalization of Chicago’s neighborhoods. #veterans
Face-to-face pharmacist interactions can bridge this gap by ensuring that patients receive tailored, easy-to-understand instructions about their medications. #healthcare
“We look forward to this new partnership with Metrc to ensure Illinois continues advancing the safest and most secure cannabis market,” said Erin Johnson, Illinois Cannabis Regulation Oversight Officer. #cannabis
The Illinois Healthy Alternatives Association (ILHAA) has brought attention to the profound impact of this bill, shedding light on the untold stories of hemp business owners and consumers who have been directly affected by this legislative threat. #bill
"I am extremely proud of the Department and University for working to increase accessibility by including bilingual options to ensure everyone on the farm has the ability to learn and implement these tools to become good stewards of the land." #training