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11 Year Old Orland Park Resident Luke Cudney Raises Nearly $500 to Help Ukrainians

11-year-old Orland Park Resident Luke Cudney heard about the Humanitarian Aid Collection for Ukrainian Refugees and wanted to do something.

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Jason Allen
Jason Allen
Reporter for the Southland Journal covering Crestwood, Orland Park, and Tinley Park

11 Year Old Orland Park Resident Luke Cudney Raises Nearly $500 to Help Ukrainians (Orland Park, IL) — The Village of Orland Park held its first board meeting of April 2022 on Monday, April 4. Among the agenda items was the Community Pride Award received by Luke Cudney. Orland Park held an Aid for Ukrainian Refugees event at which Luke and his siblings donated the money they raised.

The text from the agenda item read as follows:  The Village of Orland Park has witnessed the generosity and compassion of the community when we put out the call to assist Ukrainian refugees with humanitarian aid.

11-year-old Orland Park Resident Luke Cudney heard about the Humanitarian Aid Collection for Ukrainian Refugees and wanted to do something. Luke and his brothers made pots out of clay, painted them yellow and blue for the Ukrainian flag and sold them at the end of their driveway. The proceeds collected were delivered by Luke and his family during the event.

Luke is being recognized with a community pride award for his efforts.

Luke stated that his interest in working with clay stemmed from an online pottery class he had taken. In total, Luke, along with his siblings, raised $491 for Ukrainians. He has previously traveled to El Salvador for humanitarian purposes and had a letter published in the Chicago Tribune.

Trustee Milani stated:  “Small, innovative ideas like this can make a huge impact on people’s lives, and we definitely appreciate the work that you did along with your brothers.”

Trustee Healy thanked Luke for “Daring to be different, going out of his way and doing that thing and I would recommend that his parents, who should be very proud, I’d recommend that they start clearing out some of the house for some more awards that he’s gonna get in his lifetime.”

Other Agenda Items

(all approved unanimously)

    2022-0265 Approval of the March 21, 2022, Regular Meeting Minutes
    2022-0293 Accounts Payable – Approval
    A. 2022-0294 Payroll – Approval
    B. 2022-0255 Disposal of Village Equipment (Online Auction) – Public Works
    Department – Ordinance
    C. 2022-0285 Veterans Commission Moraine Valley Community College
    Scholarship Fund
    D. 2022-0275 ITB #22-009 Athletic Surface Repairs 2022
    E. 2022-0211 ITB 22-028 Silver Lake West Phase II & El Cameno Real Water
    Main Replacement & Stormwater Upgrades – Bid
    F. 2022-0273 Ordinance Revising Title 3, Chapter 2 – Streets and Public Ways –
    G. 2022-0298 An Ordinance Amending the Land Development Code to Section
    5-112 to Reduce Letter of Credit Requirement
    H. 2022-0252 All Hazards Public Alerting Outdoor Warning Siren System –
    I. 2022-0309 Ordinance Amending Title 7, Chapter 15 – Reducing the Number of
    Class B Tobacco Licenses
    J. 2022-0282 FY2022 Budget Amendment #2 – Approval
    K. 2022-0254 An Ordinance Amending Appendices A and B to Ordinance No.
    5676 – Ordinance
    L. 2022-0284 RFP 22-016 Meter Replacement Program Evaluation-bid
    M. 2020-0681 Metro East Townhomes – Development Petition for Special Use
    Permit for a Planned Development, Site Plan, Landscape Plan,
    Elevations, Plat of Subdivision
    N. 2022-0267 Metro East Townhomes – Development Agreement Ordinance
    O. 2022-0272 Metro East Townhomes – Ordinance Granting a Special Use for a
    Planned Development
    2022-0213 RFP 22-015 – Holiday Lighting Services
    2022-0229 USIC Street Light Locates – Contract Award
    2022-0297 Illinois Department of Transportation Letter of Understanding for
    Wolf Road Bridge Work Over Interstate 80
    2022-0276 FY2021 Audit Engagement Letter – Approval
    2022-0277 Approve Tyler Payments for merchant processing services – Tyler
    Contract Amendment
    2022-0253 Amend Title 7 Chapter 4 – Number of Class A-5 Liquor License –

11 Year Old Orland Park Resident Luke Cudney Raises Nearly $500 to Help Ukrainians

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